Play the programming again, Sam.

“As Rick says to Ilsa in the famous farewell scene, “I’m not good at being noble, but it doesn’t take much to see that the problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you’ll understand that. Here’s looking at you, kid.”” Of course, that’s a line from “Casablanca”. Amazing.
I recently watched a documentary saying that all our lives we have been programmed by music, TV, and movies. “Casablanca” supported the WWII war effort with the two values of freedom and self-sacrifice. It was an anti-Nazi movie. New Yorkers were watching it the same time that the Allied Forces were storming North Africa, near Casablanca. The film won several Oscars.
Yes, it’s a good movie, and yes, we are against fascism, yes. But I can’t help but see “Casablanca” now as some sort of propaganda film. Where does it all lead? Did it end?

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